Fast Food vs. Fresh Food

Fast Food vs. Fresh Food

This is the story told by Jussi and we would like to get your feedback on the comment buttons below.

Jussi used to eat fast food most of the time when he was eating outside since his childhood. At the age of 28, he is overweight and diagnosed with diabetes. While asking for the most important reason why he got diabetes, he associates his habit of eating fast food i.e. junk food. Digging deeper, we found that his favorite place for fast food used to be the most famous brand in fast food industry. He only read recently various blogs and movements on why fast food is not healthy! One of such initiatives he mentioned includes, First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiatives . Jussi believes that as US has taken an initiative to avoid childhood obesity, the world will follow.

Jussi got introduced to a new fresh food restaurant called PikkuNepal and enjoyed eating fresh food. He has found a new beginning for a new healthy eating lifestyle. He loves Chicken Tikka, Raita and Nan Bread. As we keep on changing the food habits of thousands of people in Finland, we call for your support to support fresh food and discourage the fast food culture as soon as possible.

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